Wednesday 21 September 2016

Alcohol- 5 minute film idea.

Film Idea

  • The first shot after the title sequence is a medium shot of a 17 year old girl named Grace sat on the sofa in her house watching TV. Her phone rings and there is a close up of her phone. She answers and has a conversation with her friend as they plan their night going to a bar for the first time. She hangs up.
  • Time lapse of the sun setting outside Grace's house making it obvious that it's now night time and the rest of the short film will also be at night.
  • Jump cuts of Grace and her friend getting ready for the night ahead, e.g. Grace putting on her lipstick, her friend putting her heels on. Diegetic music is used during this scene, which sets a positive mood.
  • Cuts to the girls walking towards the bar that the film is set in, showing a close up of Grace giving the bouncer the entry money and loud diegetic sound is introduced. 
  • A close up of Grace's phone is used to show a message from her mother which reads "Be careful, Keep an eye on your drinks at all times, love you xx", Grace ignores the message and walks away from the camera frame with her friend towards the bar. 
  • The camera pans around the bar to show lots of people dancing and drinking to the loud music and the flashing lights. 
  • Close up of a pair of addidas shoes walking across the bar, the shoes end up next to Grace's shoes, then camera pans upwards to Grace's drink and her hand holding the glass, the man that wears the addidas shoes puts a small pill into Grace's drink and the camera follows her drink keeping it centre shot, Grace drinks it. 
  • Fades to black then uses a POV shot as Grace is dancing and the lights in the bar turn very blurry and makes it obvious that Grace isnt perfectly responsive.
  • The camera never reveals the mans face.
  • The man lures Grace away from her friend and out of the bar and holds grace up as they both stumble down the street towards the mans car. 
  • The man puts Grace in the car and jump cuts are used to reveal Grace laying on the back seat of the car.
  • Medium close up shot of the man holding the steering wheel in his left hand and a cigarette out of the window in his right hand.
  • Fades to black then shows Grace's eye opening and the music fades out.  

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