Within the poster above it is clear to the demographic that the two lead characters are enemies. This is shown by the positioning of them on the poster, both equally being in the centre. Because of this, both the protagonist and antagonist are clear when first approaching the poster, representing their significance and following a typical film poster trait. Due to the poster using close up images of the protagonist and antagonist, we are able to see their emotions and facial expressions. The facial expressions show the two characters looking directly into one and others eyes with a sense of anger, again portraying that they are enemies. Because the characters are on opposing sides, a connotation of good vs evil appears and enables the demographic to understand that they are possibly at war with each other.
As well as this, the wand is centred in the middle of the poster showing it has the most significance within the film and possibly the object which the two are fighting for. This could be foreshadowing the narrative to audiences. When looking closely at the poster, audiences can understand that only one person is holding the wand, immediately connoting power as one of the two have the object which is the main image of the poster in their possession. Another reason why the wand could have been positioned in the centre of the poster is to make audiences aware that the film is based around magic. This is shown as a wand is no everyday object
The mise en scene enables audiences to see that both characters are dirty, portraying that they could have been in a fight or battle and again, possibly foreshadowing the film's narrative. Also the flames used on the poster suggest that the fight could have already started. Fire usually has a connotation of danger and destruction, suggesting that an object in this film poster could have been destroyed.
Due to the film franchise already having a demographic, it does not need to include the title of the film as it is already well known. It also does not include a plot or cast list, adding to the mystery of the film and again suggesting the genre. Finally, the tagline is only three words 'It all ends' followed by the release date of the film. This is done for emphasis and for audiences to begin solving the mystery before the film is released. This helps the film with publicity as demographics create a hype and follow on to sharing the poster with friends, enabling the film a wider demographic when released.
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