Friday, 2 December 2016

Film Poster Codes and Conventions Research (Thriller) - Colour.

Thriller Film Poster Codes and Conventions Research into Colour 

Thriller films can connote many things by different use of colour within films and their posters, and from this you can also assume their genre. For example a film poster that contains more darker colours (e.g. black, brown, grey) are usually linked to films that are usually Horror, Thriller or Action. On the other hand film posters that include brighter than darker colours (e.g. white, pink, yellow) are usually linked to films that are usually Comedy, Romance or Drama for example. This is because darker colours are associated with Evil and negative things, however lighter colours are associated with Pure and innocent things. Using colours on a film poster, the audience can gather quickly what genre the film is and can understand what the poster is getting across by analysing it. 

In the example to the right, on the poster for 'Jessabelle' the main colours used are Black and darker shades of Green. The poster displays a girl with what looks like 2 consciences, one on the left side of the poster which is mainly Darker colours and looks withdrawn and another on the right which shows normal healthy colours which are brighter for the girls face. This poster clearly shows a Horror/Thriller film due to its Imagery and Colour scheme. As the two consciences have different colours, it displays that one is Good and one is Evil, which tells the audience that the film might be about a girl with a sub-concscience. 

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