Friday 2 December 2016

Thriller Film Poster Codes & Conventions - Taglines & Reviews

Most thriller posters have a tag line and at least one review featured on them. It is important that the best reviews are included, especially ones which come from popular companies that audiences will recognise as it increases the chance that they will watch the film if they notice a well-known company has left a positive review.

The tagline that features on the film poster indicates to the audience what the film may be about. It is important that the tag line makes an impact and resonates with the audience, for our short film ‘Saving Grace’ we used the tagline ‘have you ever woken up not knowing where you are?’. We chose this because our film is about a girl who has her drink spiked during a night out and then she is kidnapped. A rhetorical question is effective because it encourages the audience to think about their own experiences regarding safety and may influence them to go and see the film to find out what actually happens to Grace.

One film that used the same technique as us and included a rhetorical question as their tag line is The Last House On The Left (

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