Saturday, 10 December 2016

Radio Advertisement Research.

Radio Advertisement Research

Radio ads are an effective, low-cost medium through which a business/company can reach a target consumer. Radio creates emotional reactions in listeners and therefore they seem to perceive the advert as more personal and relatable to them.

A successful radio ad can increase profit and popularity in whatever is being advertised if appropriate techniques have been carried out to ensure the radio ad is as marketable as possible. 

Some techniques included in a good radio advertisement:

1. Production value and voiceover talent 
Through data that has been collected it has been found that there has been an inverse relationship between production value and ad performance. Production must enhance believability and catch attention.

2. Originality
Having a creative approach towards the radio ad will increase the chances of the advert becoming popular and liked by listeners. Advertising the same type of product in the same ways as every other company will not offer anything different, therefore may not advertise as well.

3. Simplicity
Radio ads aren't long (most are under 60 seconds) so it is important that there isn't too much packed into the advertisement as this could overwhelm the audience.

4. The opening attention grabber
The first impression of a good radio ad must catch the readers attention - instead of tuning out they should want to listen until the end. If the audience's attention is not grabbed it risks their brain categorising the radio noise as something they've heard too many times before. Try and ensure the most impactful part of the ad is included early on, instead of halfway through.       

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