Sunday 13 November 2016

Photo Diary- Day 1.

Filming - Day 1.

The very first day of filming consisted of the group putting our ideas together, filming one of the first scenes of the short film and creating character profiles in video form. The scene that we filmed is one of the first things that the audience sees, Grace answers her phone and has a conversation with her friend on the phone. We tried different angles to mix it up so we have different options when it comes to editing.The following setting is an ordinary living room area, this allows the audience to relate to our character Grace as the majority of our target audience watches Television in their living room on a regular basis. This is the setting of the scene we filmed (living room):

This following image is an image displaying what the shot will be like when it shows Grace's phone ringing from across the room. We closed the living room curtains to give the shot low key lighting to focus the shot on the object (iPhone) more. Later in the day we decided to change our filming location due to time efficiency, however the location will only change in the different scenes of the film so our first day of filming wasn't wasted.

After filming our first scene successfully and deciding the next location that we would film, we decided to use our time wisely and do some practice shots of the scenes to follow. For example the shot below is an over the shoulder shot which will show our character, Becky getting ready (Specifically applying lipstick). This will allow us to save time when we decide to film the scene of the girls getting ready as then when the time comes we will know exactly what shots to include and how to do them.

After filming our first scene and completing practice shots, we decided to film Character profiles via video. We filmed these in a conservatory giving us high key lighting that was very suitable for the videos. In these Character profiles we included who we were and the characters that we were playing, we also mentioned what key events will happen in our short film and what messages our film gives out. For example we mentioned in each video  that our film was to raise awareness of safe drinking. 

Below is an example of what our Character profiles look like:

Next time we film: We plan on getting the very first and last scene done, where grace is laying in a boys bed with no emotion in her face. The shot will be an aerial shot and includes a zoom motion, due to us having a limitation of props this may take us some time and may use the whole filming day to complete. 

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