Monday 7 November 2016

Shot List (Bullet Points).

Shot List
  • (Opening sequence) Extreme High Angle Shot- Grace laying in a strangers bed, Grace has no emotion in her face as she is laying there still.
  • Zoom- slowly onto her face and then 
  • Cuts to black with sound effect, as the title sequence begins.
  • Fades from black.
  • Medium establishing shot- Grace's living room. 
  • Close up shot- Grace's phone ringing (her friend calling).
  • Medium close up shot- Grace answering her phone & having a conversation.
  • Establishing shot- Camera lower to the floor showing the sunset. 
  • Time lapse- Sun setting to show it's cutting to night time.
  • Medium close up- girls getting ready.
  • Close up cuts- application of lipstick & putting on heels etc.
  • Close up- girls shoes walking in/out of taxi. 
  • Long shot- girls getting out of the taxi, shows girls talking to boys (3 boys- one with baseball cap, one with white shirt and one with necklace)
  • Close up- one specific boy (with the white shirt)
  • Pan- down to the boys shoes (black & white trainers).
  • Tracking shot- boys and girls shoes walking into the bar.
  • Establishing shot- different shots of the bar showing the different lighting.
  • Medium close up- grace talking to the boy from outside (with the white shirt)
  • Reaction shot- other boy with baseball cap frowning (jealous of the boy with white shirt).
  • POV shot- from Grace making it clear who she's with and what shes doing. 
  • Close up- boys same shoes from earlier.
  • Tracking shot- boys shoes walking towards Grace's.
  • Close up- both Grace's and the boys shoes, Grace's facing away from the boy (boy is behind grace) 
  • Pan- upwards to reveal grace holding her drink.
  • Close up- Grace's drink in her hand, shows the boy putting a pill in her drink, showing a specific watch.
  • Tracking shot- Grace walking away.
  • Extreme close up shot- Grace drinking her drink.
  • Pans away- from Grace, de-focuses. 
  • Reverse POV- medium close up of Grace walking around the bar (whilst music playing)
  • Close up- Grace's shoes, stumbling out of the bar (alone) close up continues and shows the boy's shoes walk next to Grace's once again.
  • Low angle shot- camera on the floor filming the two walking down the street towards a car. Shot stays the same as they both get further away, grace stumbling.
  • Close up- boy getting keys out of his pocket.
  • Medium shot- boy (doesn't show face) putting Grace in the back seat of the car.
  • Fades to black.
  • Fades from black
  • Close up shot- boy's left hand on the wheel, the specific watch from earlier.
  • Pan- right to show the boys right hand out of the window with a cigarette, continues to pan and shows white shirt and shows the boys face, reveals it's the boy from outisde the bar, her 'friend'. (audience would expect it to be the boy with the baseball cap as he was jealous)
  • Pan- continues to pan to show Grace opening and closing her eye.
  • Extreme close up- Grace's eye again but with different lighting.
  • Zoom- outwards to show Grace laying in the boys bed with no expression on her face at all (same shot as the film begins with)

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