Saturday, 7 January 2017

Online Rough Cut Questionnaire analysis.

As a group we had hoped to get more responses with our online questionnaire, however we believed that after analysing the results we did not need to accumulate any more as we had a substantial amount of information about what individuals liked and disliked about our club scene example.

Firstly we asked our demographic "Within the club scene what did you particularly like?" From the results we received we found that 63% (7 people) liked the editing the most. Because of this, within the final editing of our final film we will use the same methods we used within the editing process for this extract. Along with this, 27% (3 people) said that they liked the lighting, luckily for us we already had a generous amount of shots of the lighting. This was helpful to us as we did not need to do any re-shoots. Sadly, 0% of people we asked liked the music used within the club scene example, from this we decided to change the music used in order to fit to the demographics preferences. Finally, one person said that they liked the shots, although this is only one persons personal opinion we understand that people who are not familiar with the subject do not know the correct terms for the shots used, due to this we eliminated this question and focused more upon the other responses.

After this we asked our demographic what they think we could change. These results enabled us to understand that in order to please our audience we need to focus on changing the music used, this is shown in the results as 5 people said they thought we should change the music. Aside from this, 3 people thought that we should change the lighting within our club scene, this result we discussed wether or not we should change the lighting however thought that it portrayed nightlife well and decided to keep it in our scenes. Finally due to the low number of people wishing we could change the editing and the shots, we decided that within the editing process we should only make subtle changes.

Because nightclubs tend to have upbeat music on, we felt it was necessary to include music within this aspect of the film. The only question was, should the shots be edited to the music. From our results we found that 10 people believed it should be, and we agree. Editing the scenes to the music will make the club scene more realistic. 

After this we asked the demographic "Should we add more music effects in the editing process?" From this survey 8 people said no. We believe this is because doing this will mean that too much is occurring at once within the scene, keeping it to a minimum will allow our audience to focus more on the drama occurring on screen. 

From the question below we understood that everyone whom watched the club scene extract liked the fast paced editing. Due to this we are going to keep it within the scenes occurring within the club.

Here below are our responses for the questions "What was your favourite part of the clip?" and "Why was this your favourite scene?" These responses allowed us to know what different individuals liked within our scenes and also what we should consider adding into the final editing process.

Finally we asked our demographic how long THEY thought we should have the scenes in the nightclub for. By asking this, we knew that 1 minute - 1 minute 30 seconds was the most popular. This could possibly be because the audience was getting bored after a long time or they were too anticipated to know what happens next.

As in all questionnaires, we asked if the respondents were male or female and which age group they sit in. This is done to see who our film will interest most.

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